A public service announcement from Fort Pierce Personal Injury Attorney, Todd Passman
My name is Todd Passman and I am an attorney here in St. Lucie County. We are proud to be a contributor to this community event put on by our friends of Destination Fort Pierce.
Rick asked us to make a quick public service announcement for folks who might visit our area.
Since my firm primarily deals with accidents and personal injury matters, we will give you a few quick tips for folks who might have an accident, but we hope nobody does.
Most of these are common sense – the first and most important is give first aid to anyone that’s injured that’s the number one thing that anyone should do.
After that, call or ask somebody to call law enforcement. If there are serious injuries call or ask somebody to call 911 get the paramedics out there as fast as possible. It’s common sense, right? But sometimes in the heat of the moment, we can panic or forget.
Finally, assuming that folks have not been injured or taken by ambulance, get the names and numbers of any witnesses. Maybe take a few photos with your cell phone.
These are all good things to do for anyone in an accident situation.
The last thing we want to remind our visitors to our community is perhaps, like some other places where you have lived in Florida, you can not assume that everyone on the road has liability insurance. Florida’s minimum requirements are very low, and to be honest, we have a real problem in Florida with completely uninsured drivers driving on our roads.
Something for all visitors to check into with your insurance agent is to make sure you have your coverage, usually called “uninsured motorist coverage.” That could help you cover your bills and injuries if you were unfortunately hit by an uninsured or an underinsured driver.
So thanks again to Rick and his team for letting us participate in this community event.
We encourage everyone to stay safe and enjoy the show.
NOTE: Todd made this video as a public service announcement during the Destination Fort Pierce live stream event that took place July 11, 2020 in Fort Pierce Florida.
Need an experienced personal injury lawyer? Call Todd Passman first! (772) 971-7066